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Гений Безумие И Слава LINK


Гений Безумие И Слава LINK

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Interest in the problem of genius is actualized by the desire of scientists to understand what this phenomenon is. Realizing the value, significance of the role of geniuses and the scale of their contribution to social progress, the authors of the study set themselves the task to determine the essential features of the phenomenon of genius. The article examines how interpretations of the concept of "genius" have changed historically. The idea is emphasized that each epoch, depending on its own worldview, formed its own understanding of the essence of genius. The authors ' attention is drawn to the problem of the origin of geniuses, the analysis of which leads to the consideration of biological, esoteric, psychoanalytic and pathological hypotheses. On the basis of their characteristics, the ontological foundations of genius are revealed, the forms and types of genius are described, a number of determinants are identified that imprint on the manifestation of the genius principle. The authors define genius as a set of innate and acquired properties, emphasizing that it is not just a set of properties, but the integration of natural psychological and cognitive properties with those properties that a person has acquired in the course of socialization.

1.Adler A. Praktika i teoriya individual 'noypsikhologii. Lektsiipo vvedeniyu v psikhoterapiyu dlya vrachey, psikhologov i uchiteley [Practice and theory of individual psychology. Lectures on introduction to psychotherapy for doctors, psychologists and teachers]. Moscow, Publishing house Of the Institute of psychotherapy Publ., 2002. 214 p. (In Russ.).

2.Anastazi A. Differentsial'nayapsikhologiya. Individual'nyye i gruppovyye razlichiya v povedenii [Differential psychology. Individual and group differences in behavior]. Moscow, April Press, publishing house EKSMO-Press Publ., 2001. 752 p. (In Russ.).

3.Besolova F.K. Leksema geniy v slovaryakh russkogo yazyka, khudozhestvennykh i publitsisticheskikh tekstakh: pervyye fiksatsii i slovoupotrebleniya [Lexeme genius in dictionaries of the Russian language, artistic and journalistic texts: the first fixations and word usage]. Gumanitarnyye i yuridicheskiye issledovaniya [Humanitarian and legal studies], 2018, issue 4, pp. 207-214. (In Russ.).

4.Bessarabov-Goncharov M.V. Vliyaniye sotsial'noy sredy na formirovaniye tvorcheskogo potentsiala lich-nosti v obshchestve pozdney sovremennosti [Actual issues of social Sciences: sociology, political science, philosophy, history]. Aktual'nyye voprosy obshchestvennykh nauk: sotsiologiya, politologiya, filosofiya,

9.Lombrozo Ch. Genial'nost' i pomeshatelstvo. Parallel mezhdu velikimi lyud'mi i pomeshannymi [The parallel between the great people and the lunatics]. St. Petersburg, F. Pavlenkov, 1885. 351 p. Available at: URL:, accessed 15.04.2019. (In Russ.).

10.Markov S.L. Geneticheskiy podkhod k prirode genial'nosti [Genetic approach to the nature of genius]. Materialy IIMezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii Geneza bytiya lichnosti (19-20 dekabrya 2011 g.). Tom 1 [Proceedings of the II International scientific and practical conference "Genesis of personality" (December 19-20, 2011). Vol. 1]. Kazan, 2011. Pp. 255-260. (In Russ.).

11.Nosovskiy G.V. Poteryannyye Evang


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